insurgent humor with Randy Credico

Today we spotlight the insurgent humor of the famed activist-comedian Randy Credico, the former director of the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice and longtime agitator against New York state’s racially-coded Rockefeller drug laws. Credico is currently running for the office of Mayor in New York City.

Also joining the show will be Daniel Morrissey, an anti-fracking activist and
co-founder of NY against Fracking based in Troy, NY.

Ecosocialist Horizons Hour is your frontline report on the global ecological crisis and the struggle for a livable world. EHH is the only source connecting the dots between Empire, Capitalism, Ecological Collapse, and the movements to rebuild humanity’s severed connection with the natural world.

EHH is not meant for the faint of heart. Join us with courage, spirit, and the humor that is needed to answer the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced.


Leave the Oil in the Soil! with Ivonne Yanez


Game Over for Planet Earth with Roger Rashi